Big Brother 2011: Rebeckah Vaughn is second housemate to be evicted as she admits she sees a future with Aden

Written By news on Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011 | 18.11

By Kirsty Mccormack

Rising above the boos: Rebeckah Vaughn walked down the stairs to a mixed crowd

Proving that even a booing crowd won't get her down, Big Brother contestant, Rebeckah Vaughn left the house smiling tonight as she admitted that she does fancy Aden and will go on a date with him in the future.

The 28-year-old Spearmint Rhino club hostess had the last laugh after leaving the house when a pre-recorded message was played to the housemates after her exit.

Aimed mainly at Aden, the blonde started off by saying: 'If you're watching this then it means I've been evicted.'

She then went on to tell Aden to watch out for Anton calling him a 'snake' and slammed healer Heaven branding her an 'actress.'

Housemates looked shocked and annoyed as Rebeckah went on to say the majority of them were 'sitting on the fence' and left the group with another added subject to argue about.

Wearing a light grey body con dress with jewelled straps, Rebeckah left the house thirty minutes after discovering she was the second contestant to be evicted.

Dressed up: Rebeckah chose a figure hugging dress and black stilettos for her eviction outfit

She walked calmly down the stairs to Nelly Furtado's Maneater as the majority of the audience booed her and as she made her way to the stage and hugged host, Brian Dowling, she could be heard asking him: 'Where's my sister?' but kept a smile on her face as she posed for waiting photographers.

Still smiling: although she was the second housemate to leave the Big Brother house, Rebeckah didn't seem too bothered

During Rebeckah’s interview with Brian, she was asked how she felt about leaving the house to all the boo’s, to which she replied: 'I honestly don’t care - if I had done something wrong in there, then it's fine.

'I was honest and truthful the whole time.'

Brian then asked her about her relationship with Aden and she answered by saying: 'Me and Aden know the truth. We decided that whatever was shown outside doesn’t matter as we know the truth.'

Getting a grilling: Brian Dowling confronted Rebeckah about her antics in the house

'I really love him and he has taught me that there are good men out there,' she added.

She was then shown a message from smitten student, Aden, which he had recorded in the diary room after she left.

'I love you to pieces,' the 19-year-old said. 'And I can't wait to meet your family and friends and make you more cups of tea on the outside.'

Rebeckah became quite emotional watching the video and announced she would like Aden to win the show.

Tissue time: the 28-year-old became upset when Brian asked her about her relationship with Aden

'We know the truth': Rebeckah admitted that she does fancy Aden and will go on a potential date with him

A chance for the pair's romance to blossom came to a sudden halt as the blonde left the house tonight.

Loved-up student Aden looked lost in the absences of Rebeckah and housemates were left wondering how he would cope without her.

When the group sat huddled on the sofas to hear the result earlier tonight, Rebeckah seemed relaxed as her name was announced, whereas dancer come actress, Heaven Afrika was left looking shocked at the outcome.

Evicted: Rebeckah Vaughn became the second housemate to be voted out of the Big Brother house

Although Aden suddenly realised that him and Rebeckah would be no more, the pair seemed to make the most of their last day in the house together and their love interest certainly gave the group something to talk about.

The tension from the previous night in the house seemed to spill over into the morning as the atmosphere seemed strained between housemates.

Of course the pending eviction was on everyone's mind but it seemed that neither Heaven or Rebeckah were bothered about possibly spending their last day in the house - or so it seemed.

Booed: Rebeckah looked calm as she heard the result but could hear the crowd outside

Finished: the club hostess realised that her time in the house had come to an end

Rebeckah sat in the diary room and told Big Brother that she wasn't 'bothered' about the eviction and added that 'It’s not the big house of love, there’s only one person I trust.

She also confessed that she would rather leave than make 'enemies' during the remaining nine weeks.

But it seemed that some of her fellow housemates were bothered as during a talk in the living room, Faye, Jay, Aaron and Louise began talking about the club hostess with Jay telling them that she's a 'porky-pier.'

Devastated: Aden looked crushed as he heard the result

One last hug: Aden and Rebeckah have hardly left each others side whilst being in the Big Brother house

Faye added that she first thought Rebeckah 'was genuine,' but said 'as time has gone on, cracks have started to appear.'

But housemates seemed to have nicer things to say about Heaven, with Jay saying that although she may not be 'wired up right', her heart is in the right place.

But it wasn't just Heaven and Rebeckah that the male housemates wanted to talk about.

Later that day Anton, Jay and Aden were enjoying some boy talk in the garden and once again it was plumber, Jay who had a lot to say.

Smitten: Aden attempts to give Rebeckah a kiss on the lips but she's not impressed

Talking about the previous night when he shared his bed with model, Maisie, the 27-year-old said: 'She was climbing all over us.'

He then continued saying that he wants to keep all of the girls 'at arms length,' and mentioned that Faye was 'fuming when she saw Maisie was in his bed.'

Anton looked disappointed and replied that all of the girls are out of his reach, adding: 'I might go to plan B - get with Faye!' to which the guys laughed.

But it wasn't all laughter and small talk as once Big Brother announced that the store room was open for housemates to collect their latest shopping delivery, the group began to moan again.

Jay and Aaron had decided that they were going to take charge of sorting through the shopping items, but whilst they were doing so Heaven made her way in and offered to help.

'I promised the girls,' she pleaded as Maisie complained to the other housemates that Heaven had barged past her to get into the store room.

But it seemed that a luxury budget just wasn't enough for some of the housemates as once they'd been given their share of chocolate, model Louise told the other girls: 'I feel like we haven’t had our full budget.'

The guys decided to have a moan too, and it seemed that Aden and Anton were also upset by Heaven’s interference in the store room with Anton saying: 'She’s jarring me; I’m starting to hate her.'

Heart-to-heart: Mark told Rebeckah exactly what he thought of the interest surrounding her and Aden

Aden soon forgot about his anger though as he found himself enjoying some alone time with Rebeckah again.

Whilst laying on the bed together, Rebeckah told student, Aden, that she was glad he liked her outfit.

'To be honest, I wanted to rip it off,' he replied.

Meanwhile another pair of housemates were talking about the couple in the garden.
Jay said to Heaven: 'I don’t know why Cap-Man is so blind.'

Lucky guy: Aaron got to share his bed with Faye and Maisie last night

He went on to say that Aden has been 'reeled in,' whilst healer Heaven commented on the age gap between the two.

Backtracking on her earlier statement, desperate Rebeckah suggested to Aden that they should go into the Diary Room together to ask if she can stay in the house.

But yet when Aden asked the blonde for a 'proper kiss' she replied with a no saying: 'We’re friends…as soon as I kiss you, everything will change.'

However now viewers will never get the chance to see the pair kiss as Aden has been left without his dream girl.

Fearing that it would be his last night with her, he visited the diary room alone and told Big Brother that she is 'genuine' and 'completely special to me' before getting emotional.

Final night: the pair cuddled in bed on what would be their last evening in the house together

'I feel like such a sap for crying over some girl I’ve known for two weeks, she’s a diamond,' he added.

But it wasn't the last night of cuddling for other housemates last night.

Contract manager had a huge grin on his face as he was joined in his bed by Maisie and Faye.

Once again Rebeckah was laying in bed with Aden and seemed to have her pending eviction on her mind.

Aden began to tell her of his plans to take her out to dinner and on dates when they leave the house but the Spearmint Rhino employee replied saying she isn’t bothered about things like that.

'You’re going to uni, I live four and a half hours away...I can’t see how it’s going to work.' she told him.

Lovestruck Aden insisted that they would make it work, but their romantic moment was soon interuppted by Jay passing wind to which the pair pulled the duvet over their heads and were heard to be kissing.

'Proper kiss': Aden and Rebeckah could be heard kissing under the duvet last night


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