Big Brother 2011: Aden cries his heart out as he struggles with life in the house following Rebeckah's eviction

Written By news on Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011 | 18.10

By Kirsty Mccormack

Devastated: Aden couldn't hide his emotion after Rebeckah became the second housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house

It may have only been a day since Rebeckah Vaughn left the Big Brother house, but remaining contestant, Aden, cracked up only a few hours after she was evicted.

The smitten student, who endured an on/off relationship with the 28-year-old blonde during her two weeks in the house, looked devastated when it was announced last night that she would be the second housemate to leave.

In a bizarre turn of events, Aden found himself in the garden being comforted by healer Heaven in the garden.

The 30-year old gave Aden some alcohol which he quickly downed whilst admitting that he still can’t look at a picture of Rebeckah without getting upset.

As he broke down and began to cry, Heaven pleaded with him to let her cuddle him.

The 19-year-old gave in and sobbed into her arms then recalled a lyric to song that his mum told him: 'You don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone.'

But it wasn't just Heaven who tried to console Aden.

All cried out: the 19-year-old sat in the diary room and thanked Big Brother for giving him the opportunity to meet the Spearmint Rhino club hostess

After the housemates were told to watch a pre-recorded message filmed by Rebeckah after she'd left the house, tension erupted as the Spearmint Rhino club hostess warned Aden to watch out for 'snake' Anton as he can’t be trusted, and declared that Heaven is an actress.

Anton decided to clear the air with Aden in the bedroom by reassuring him that he is his best mate and has been since day one.

Aden replied saying that things would be different on the outside with his 'bloods' and that people in the house are 'gassed up.'

Opinionated: Rebeckah recorded a truthful message before she left the house in which she called Anton a 'snake' and Heaven an 'actress'

Anton then went on to say that he was shocked by what Rebeckah said, to which Aden stated that he 'won’t defend her on that one.'

Earlier on in the day Aden and Rebeckah had spent most of their time together where Rebeckah told him that she felt 'good nervous' about the impending eviction with Aden saying he doesn't want her to leave.

The pair had also spoken with Anton who shared a story with them about an earlier incident where Mark called Heaven insane, to which she replied she was insane as she was 'in-sanity.'

Girly chat: 19-year-old Maisie spoke to Faye in the garden about who she fancies in the house and admitted that she feels 'sexually frustrated'

Rebeckah told the boys that she thought it would be 'f***** up' if Heaven survived the eviction and she didn't.

Elsewhere Heaven revealed to Alex that her dream is to travel to Africa and build ‘The Heaven Performing Arts School’ where children can 'reach for the stars.'

She went on to say that she wants to help the world and would eventually like to become a Prime Minister or President.

She added that if this doesn't happen then she will feel unfulfilled in life, leaving Alex to encourage her to pursue her dream.

Ladies man: Plumber Jay made a trip to the diary room to tell Big Brother which females he likes in the house

Conversation with the other female housemates was less ambitious as Maisie and Faye sat in the garden whispering about who they fancy in the house concluding that it’s a toss up between Aaron and Jay with Maisie adding that she's 'sexually frustrated.'

Jay seemed to have a similar topic on his mind as he sat in the diary room, telling Big Brother his views on the girls in the house.

The plumber said that if it was just for a 'roll in the hay' he’d go for Maisie, but if it was long-term he’d go for Louise.

He also stated that Faye is just his mate and that he doesn’t fancy Heaven or Rebeckah and certainly not Alex.

Just friends: Jay and Maisie, who are fond of one another, took a bath together before getting ready for eviction night

Speaking of long-term, some of the housemates also pondered on life after Big Brother.

Chatting in the sauna, Heaven and Louise agreed that being on the show is all about 'the laugh and experience' and is not about what will happen when they leave adding that 'people who think they will be musicians or rappers when they are evicted have no chance.'

However, Aden had a different opinion.

Whilst speaking to 19-year-old Maisie in the garden about what it’ll be like when they leave the house, Aden said that each day they stay in there, they’re getting 'bigger, and bigger, and bigger.'

But it wasn't long until Aden was speaking about Rebeckah once again.

Waiting patiently: Aden, Rebeckah and Maisie hold hands as the group eagerly await the eviction result

Tearful goodbye: the pair hug each other as they realise that Rebeckah will be leaving the Big Brother house

Speaking to Aaron, he commented on the possibility of Rebeckah being evicted.

Aaron reminded him that he came in here as Aden and so he should stay Aden, with the student replying that he had seen Rebeckah’s leaving outfit earlier on and that he had melted when she had shown it to him.

A couple of hours later, with Rebeckah wearing her eviction outfit, the group gathered on the sofa to hear the dreaded result.

Once it was announced that Rebeckah would be the next contestant to leave the house, Aden was crushed and spent the next half an hour with her.

Smiling through the pain: Rebeckah was faced with a booing crowd but told host, Brian Dowling that she 'didn't care'

Rebeckah went to the bathroom with him and started crying saying she didn’t want to cry but didn’t care that she was leaving and the two then hugged each other.

A montage flashback was then shown, starting with when the blonde arrived in the house and then showed Aden in the Diary Room reminiscing on the first time Rebeckah said hello to him and the first time he said ‘I love you’.

It then cut back to the couple in the bathroom where Rebeckah told Aden that she is going to miss him so much.

And the feeling was certainly mutual as after Rebeckah left the house, Aden appeared crushed.

Making up: Anton and Aden cleared the air with the musician telling him that he is still his 'best mate'

Dry your eyes: Aden cries into a tissue and tells Anton that people in the house are 'gassed up'

But some of the housemates can't seem to let the subject of the on/off romance go.

Anton, Harry, Mark, Jay, Alex and Louise were seen sitting at the dining table talking about Rebeckah with an annoyed Anton expressing his dislike for her.

Posh boy Harry commented to the group that he doesn’t believe there will be anything waiting for Aden when he gets out of the house and when Anton visited the diary room to vent about Rebeckah he called her the 'devil' and admitted that he 'nominated her straight' and added 'she thinks we’re friends but I clocked on to what she was doing.'

Still crying: Aden is comforted by Jay and Mark in the garden as salesman Mark tells him that Rebeckah cared about him

Meanwhile Louise admitted that she felt bad for Aden and Maisie revealed that she doesn't believe that Rebeckah ever liked Aden and Heaven agreed saying that Rebeckah 'liked the attention and having a man be nice to her.'

In the garden, the guys were talking about the same thing where Mark told Aden that he was 'the only person she cared about,' which prompted Aden to have a good cry on his shoulder.

The emotional teen was then left on his own where he ended his night making up a rap about his love for Rebeckah.

'Let it all out': the guys tell Aden that he is a 'really good lad' and that his parents will be proud of him


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